Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Oh those crazy Russians

хороший день (Good day!)

This month has flown by. I haven't written for a while, i lost track of fact i am out of here in only 5 days! Yet, work-wise this was the most unproductive swing i've had. With winter setting in, the snow falling, there is little possibility for any reinstatement on the pipeline. Luckily, this is my last swing, so i will be saying goodbye to this for now, but most likely be back on the island next year in a different role.

So what did i see and do the past few weeks worth mentioning, hmmm...

1. I arrived back on the island and had a new supervisor. A crazy woman from Sweden, took me out underwear shopping on the first day back. She said it was an emergency!
2. I got my own office when i came back - that was good fun. I suddenly felt important!
3. I bought a russian fur hat so i now really look like a cossack, especially since i'm trialling a beard at the moment.
4. I froze as the temperatures got to -20 degC in the mornings
5. There were many beautiful days on site, even though its cold, the days are usually sunny with blue skies.
6. I saw some a scary number of car accidents as the first ice formed on the road - you'd really think the Russians are suprised that winter comes every year as they hardly seem prepared for it.
7. Went out with Fabs and Maryline one night, a few beers, a greasy meal and finished off with a cocktail.
8. I've been trying to cut down on the amount of Polonium 210 in my diet.
9. I got myself a typical siberian fur hat, and now that i am sporting a beard, i really look the part. Give me a bottle of vodka and I blend right in with locals.

I had a good time the past few weeks, my new supervisor was a continual laugh and the days just fly by when you go out on site (its a minimum 3 hours in the car). Now planning my next trip, as i fly from here straight back home to sunny Perth. I am looking forward to seeing friends and family again, and having a nice Christmas at home.

Its time to get a bit of colour back in me...i'm starting to blend into the snow.

Comrade Steve